November 17, 2017 – January 12, 2018
Kamper Sweet Kamper offers a meditative view into a circumstantial rural experience, and a physical record of time and place coerced into ethereal enchantment. Bathed in pastoral beauty, the Kamper is an icon of persistence encircled by metamorphosis. As the surrounding scenery shifts with the subtle northern California seasons, plants and animals grow then disappear, and visitors to the Kamper come and go. The bucolic terrain is populated by flora and fauna in various stages of their life cycles, from birth to death and decay, and by youths in states of reverie, both out of place and in tune with their surroundings—reminders of the human time against which all else is measured. Much like the Kamper, they are stuck in the cycle, changing more slowly than the world around them, crystalized in their dream states by Ruby’s camera.
In his installation at Goodnight Projects, Eric Ruby’s photographs are adhered to swaths of dyed fabric and stitched together, creating a homespun patchwork of non-linear time, an alternate way of measuring that is less rigid and more personal.
Signed copies of Eric Ruby’s Kamper Sweet Kamper, an artist book in the form of a 19-month calendar, published by Houseboat Press, will be available for purchase.